DAISIE investigates the gendered impacts of policies aimed at extending working life (EWL). The project has four research objectives: Analyse EWL policies from a gender-sensitive perspective; Trace intra-national continuities and change in gendered employment and family formation patterns over time; Assess the current working conditions of the 50+ group; Explore the wellbeing and health issues faced … Read more
SEED examines differences in early child development, specifically oral language skills and socio-emotional development. These manifest as social inequalities which, for many, persist through childhood and into work. The project has two principal objectives: Identify the mechanisms through which changing social inequalities impact on children’s oral language and socio-emotional development; Identify the implications that these evolving … Read more
TRISP develops structural household life-cycle models in macroeconomic environments to evaluate the effects of inequality in income, wealth, hours worked and consumption on welfare, and to quantitatively decompose the trends in inequality into their various sources. We then use these models to evaluate the impact of fiscal and monetary policies on inequality and to characterize … Read more
PremLife investigates what factors provide protection and increase resilience for preterm children’s life course outcomes. Preterm birth is an increasingly important cause of inequality in Europe. Incidence rates and survival after preterm birth have increased while rates of adverse outcomes across the lifespan remain. The project considers protective/resiliency factors at the individual, micro-system (family and … Read more
PII investigates the argument that the underlying driver of populism is lifetime shifts in economic inequality, caused by on-going economic transformation through technological change and import competition. The underlying dynamics are hypothesised to display similar patterns of change across countries. However, the pattern of populist attitudes may differ, depending on how such long-term change can be … Read more
LIFETRACK aims to answer the following question: how and why do different educational systems, and in particular their various modes of educational tracking and sorting, influence the formation and reproduction of social inequalities over the life course? The project considers long-term consequences of tracking for final educational attainment and labour market outcomes. Thereby, it seeks to … Read more
IMCHILD analyses: How circumstances in childhood affect influential decisions which mark individuals’ transition to adulthood (educational and occupational choices, family formation etc.); How these decisions translate into social and economic outcomes (e.g. labour market performance, well-being, (early) retirement decisions) at later stages in life. We aim to identify causal mechanisms via which social and economic … Read more
HuCIAW investigates the role of human capital in shaping inequalities over the life course. We aim to shed new light on the process of human capital formation during adolescence and adulthood. The project is organised under three inter-related themes: sorting of young people across education pathways; interactions between different investments in human capital; and the … Read more
GUODLCCI focuses on the origins, dynamics and consequences of early inequalities in human capital accumulation. This includes the examination of: The impacts of early shocks; The performance of targeted vs universal policies; The role of parents in compensating and/or reinforcing children’s human capital endowments; The role of peers and assess the potential of simple interventions … Read more
GEIGHEI examines how Genes and the Environment (GxE) interact to generate inequalities in education and health over the life course. We test two novel hypotheses: Children born into advantaged environments are better able to reach their genetically conditioned education potential; A privileged environment protects against genetic susceptibility to risky health behaviour. Both hypotheses propose a GxE … Read more
Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course (DIAL) is a multi-disciplinary research programme consisting of thirteen European projects. The projects examine the sources, structures and consequences of inequalities in contemporary societies. The programme is funded by NORFACE for the period 2017–2021.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 724363
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