Growing up Unequal? The Origins, Dynamics and Lifecycle Consequences of Childhood Inequalities


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Project Details

GUODLCCI focuses on the origins, dynamics and consequences of early inequalities in human capital accumulation. This includes the examination of:

  1. The impacts of early shocks;
  2. The performance of targeted vs universal policies;
  3. The role of parents in compensating and/or reinforcing children’s human capital endowments;
  4. The role of peers and assess the potential of simple interventions influencing social interactions between students in reducing inequalities.

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United Kingdom: Dept. for Education, HM Treasury, Dept. for Work & Pensions, Social Mobility Commission, Association of Colleges, Gatsby Foundation, Family Nurse Partnership, Nuffield Foundation

Norway: Ministry of Education and Research.

France: Agence nouvelle des solidarités active, Direction Générale de l’enseignement scolaire, Caisse nationale des allocations familiales.