March 19, 2021

DAISIE investigates the gendered impacts of policies aimed at extending working life (EWL). The project has four research objectives: Analyse EWL policies from a gender-sensitive perspective; Trace intra-national continuities and change in gendered employment and family formation patterns over time; Assess the current working conditions of the 50+ group; Explore the wellbeing and health issues faced … Read more


March 19, 2021

PremLife investigates what factors provide protection and increase resilience for preterm children’s life course outcomes. Preterm birth is an increasingly important cause of inequality in Europe. Incidence rates and survival after preterm birth have increased while rates of adverse outcomes across the lifespan remain. The project considers protective/resiliency factors at the individual, micro-system (family and … Read more


March 17, 2021

GEIGHEI examines how Genes and the Environment (GxE) interact to generate inequalities in education and health over the life course. We test two novel hypotheses: Children born into advantaged environments are better able to reach their genetically conditioned education potential; A privileged environment protects against genetic susceptibility to risky health behaviour. Both hypotheses propose a GxE … Read more


March 17, 2021

CRITEVENTS studies the impact of two critical life events – job loss and union dissolution – on the life trajectories of adults and their children. The main objectives are to understand: How job loss and union dissolution contribute to the accumulation of (dis)advantage over the life course; What mechanisms explain the (unequal) impact of these … Read more

Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course (DIAL) is a multi-disciplinary research programme consisting of thirteen European projects. The projects examine the sources, structures and consequences of inequalities in contemporary societies. The programme is funded by NORFACE for the period 2017–2021.

EU flag shown in acknowledgment of EU funding

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 724363

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