Testing the association between the early parent–child relationship and teacher reported socio-emotional difficulties at 11 years: a quantile mediation analysis

February 22, 2022
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…and ‘laissez-faire’ approach to parenting and difficulties later on. There was a direct link between poorer quality parent-child relationships at age 3 and socio-emotional difficulties at age 11. Vocabulary skills…

Association of Slight to Mild Hearing Loss With Behavioral Problems and School Performance in Children

February 16, 2022
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…girls (β = 0.04; 95% CI, 0-0.08). Higher speech reception thresholds were associated with poorer school performance scores for both boys and girls (β = −0.06; 95% CI, −0.10 to…

The Economics and Econometrics of Gene-Environment Interplay

March 3, 2022
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…estimating genetic effects. We argue that gene–environment (G × E) studies can be instrumental for (i) testing economic theory, (ii) uncovering economic or behavioral mechanisms, and (iii) analyzing treatment effect…

ADHD and later-life labor market outcomes in the United States

February 6, 2020
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…attainment, this paper finds. The researchers looked at a sample of approximately 9,000 individuals aged 50-65 who took part in the American Health and Retirement study. They considered whether a…

Dynamic complementarity in skill production: Evidence from genetic endowments and birth order

January 15, 2021
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…in those children who have genetic advantages. The researchers used data on a sample of 15,000 siblings, whose genetic and demographic information is stored in the UK Biobank biomedical database,…

Stop Meta-Analyzing, Start Instrumenting: Maximizing the Predictive Power of Polygenic Scores

April 14, 2021
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…(height) to 22% (EA). Our findings suggest that measurement error is a key explanation for hidden heritability (i.e., the difference between SNP-based and GWAS-based heritability), and that it can be…

Parenting Behaviours and Early Child Development in Europe

September 29, 2021
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…to children’s development starts early in life. Parenting behaviour as an explanatory factor has important effects on very young children’s verbal and behavior social skills, and on later school achievements….

Specific parenting behaviors link maternal education to toddlers’ language and social competence

April 14, 2022
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…does account, at least partially, for the relationship between the mother’s education and her child’s language and social skills. Mothers’ parenting behaviour was described as either cognitive-verbally stimulating or socioemotionally…

The emergence of 5-year-olds’ behavioral difficulties: Analyzing risk and protective pathways in the United Kingdom and Germany

April 14, 2022
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…and vocabulary. Children with comparatively higher educated parents experienced more positive parenting, had more advanced vocabulary, and exhibited fewer behavioral difficulties. Children with a more difficult temperament or with parents…

Measuring educational inequality of opportunity: pupil’s effort matters

April 13, 2021
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…They showed that pupils’ effort, preferences, and talents accounted for around a third of the total predicted differences in performance scores. The researchers say their findings show that social determinism…

Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course (DIAL) is a multi-disciplinary research programme consisting of thirteen European projects. The projects examine the sources, structures and consequences of inequalities in contemporary societies. The programme is funded by NORFACE for the period 2017–2021.

EU flag shown in acknowledgment of EU funding

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 724363

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