This research looks at how satisfied lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals are at work compared with their heterosexual peers.
Using British data, the researchers find lower satisfaction levels for bisexual men only and also that policies designed to promote equality for LGB(T) workers have no direct impact on how satisfied workers are.
Results showed that gay men appeared to have higher job satisfaction levels than heterosexual men on average, while lesbians had lower job satisfaction levels compared to heterosexual women.
Bisexual men and women had the lowest job satisfaction levels overall, something the researchers put down to unique forms of discrimination and stigma faced by bisexual individuals.
The researchers say the results imply a ‘bisexual penalty’ specifically for men and call for further attention from policymakers and employers to the issue and careful consideration of why existing policies appear not to impact directly on job satisfaction for LGB(T) workers.
It’s the first time research has looked at job satisfaction in the UK rather than earnings or job status related questions to explore LGB(T) inequalities in the workplace and the researchers say Britain is an important case study because it has been at the forefront of LGBT equality policies.