As part of the Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course (DIAL) summer school, three lectures on multidisciplinary inequality research will also be open for a broader audience. These lectures are sponsored by DIAL (Dynamics of Inequality Across the Lifecourse: structres and process research programme), INVEST (Inequalities, Interventions, and New Welfare State research flagship centre) and TCWR (Turku Centre for Welfare Research).
Register latest on 13 August 2020 here.
We will send the Zoom links to registered participants.
Monday 17 August
EEST 11:00-12.30 / CEST 10:00-11.30 / BST 09:00-10.30
Anders Stenberg: Outsourcing Domestic Services and Female Earnings; Panel Register Data Evidence from a Reform
Tuesday 18 August
EEST 11:00-12.30 / CEST 10:00-11.30 / BST 09:00-10.30
Sonia Bhalotra: Infant health, cognitive performance and earnings: Evidence from inception of the welfare state in Sweden
Wednesday 19 August
EEST 11:00-12.30 / CEST 10:00-11.30 / BST 09:00-10.30
Rolf van der Velden: “It’s the skills, stupid!?”, on the role of education on labour market success
Anders Stenberg is Associate Professor of Economics at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University. His research focuses on education economics and labour economics. He will be talking about the use of propensity score matching in multidisciplinary inequality research with examples from research on the effects of adult education on labour market outcomes and on outsourcing of domestic work and women’s earnings.
Sonia Bhalotra is Professor of Economics at the University of Essex and Co-Director of the ESRC Centre for Microsocial Change at the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER). Her research focuses on the creation of human capital, early childhood development, the long-term benefits of early life health interventions, gender inequality, the political economy of public service provision, intergenerational mobility and the dynamics of mortality, fertility and sex selection. The title of her lecture is Infant health, cognitive performance and earnings: Evidence from inception of the welfare state in Sweden.
Rolf van der Velden is Professor at Maastricht University and director of the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA). He is a sociologist by training. His current research focuses on education and skills development, transition from education to work, knowledge economy and the demand for 21st century skills, skills mismatches and the acquisition and decline of skills over the life course. The title of his lecture is “It’s the skills, stupid!?”, on the role of education on labour market success.