DIAL Policy Brief No. 1 ‘Towards a gender-equal Europe: What policymakers can learn from the Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course (DIAL) research project’

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There are a number of key European policy agendas related to gender equality on which the DIAL research can shed light. This policy brief gives an overview of findings from DIAL projects in this area.

Key Findings:

• There is some evidence of gender pay gaps narrowing, but they are still substantial in some countries and sectors.

• Investments in skills and training for older women could be promoted to help close gender pay differentials.

• Covid-19 led to an increase in housework by men during the Spring of 2020, but families with young children soon returned to previous patterns.

• Women face a greater risk of poverty throughout their working lives and into retirement because of breaks in paid employment and reduced work hours which have led to systematic disadvantage.

• Claims that life has got better for LGBTQI+ people do not always hold up to scrutiny nor match the lived experiences of individuals.