Hannu Lehti

Socioeconomic Background and Gene–Environment Interplay in Social Stratification across the Early Life Course

This study finds that genetic inheritance has more influence than the shared social environment alone in perpetuating social inequalities. However, the importance of genes varies according family environment: genetic influences are stronger among those growing up in the most advantaged families. The researchers studied 6,500 pairs of twins born in Finland between 1975 and 1986. They used … Read more

The heterogeneous effects of parental unemployment on siblings’ educational outcomes

Authors: Hannu Lehti, Jani Erola, Aleksi Karhula,
Issue: 2021
Themes: ,

This study looks at the long-term effects of parental unemployment on children’s education. It finds that while there are negative impacts if the unemployment is during adolescence, there are, on average, none if it happens in early childhood. The researchers used data based on a 10 per cent sample of the adult population of Finland, … Read more