Robert Rush

The Role of Social and Emotional Adjustment in Mediating the Relationship Between Early Experiences and Different Language Outcomes

This paper looks at how the home learning environment of very young children might affect their language and communication skills later on. The research draws on data from 5,000 children born in Scotland in 2003 to examine the links between how depressed or stressed parents were, the home learning environment of their child at age … Read more

Testing the association between the early parent–child relationship and teacher reported socio-emotional difficulties at 11 years: a quantile mediation analysis

This paper investigates the strength of association behind well documented links between early parenting factors and later adolescent mental health problems. It goes on to consider the role of language skills at school entry in mediating those links. The research makes use of from the UK’s Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) to look into the first … Read more

Association of proximal elements of social disadvantage with children’s language development at 2 years: an analysis of data from the Children in Focus (CiF) sample from the ALSPAC birth cohort

Background An association between social disadvantage and early language development is commonly reported in the literature, but less attention has been paid to the way that different aspects of social disadvantage affect both expressive and receptive language in the first 2 years of life. Aims To examine the contributions of gender, parental report of early … Read more

The Pros and Cons of Combining Birth Cohort Data

This short SEED working paper is designed to highlight the value of and the pitfalls in combining and comparing data across large scale representative population cohorts. It was carried out as part of the Norface DIAL initiative by the SEED project (Social InEquality and its Effects on child Development: A study of birth cohorts in the UK, … Read more