EQUALLIVES Publications

The Complexity of Employment & Family Life Courses across 20th Century Europe: An Update

It is a common perception in public debate that lives have become more unstable over the past decades. The authors put this to a broad empirical test using data from 30 European countries to ask, whether family life and employment have indeed become more unstable over time, or if differences across countries remain greater. The … Read more

Parenthood Wage Gaps across the Life-Course: An Intersectional Comparison by Gender and Race

This paper investigates the wage penalties and premiums for parents and how they play out over their lives depending on how many children they have and their race and gender. The research uses data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79 and NLSY97) to map parenthood wage gaps for men and women aged 20-45 … Read more

Intersectional inequalities in work and family life courses by gender and race

This paper looks at the different privileges and constraints that men and women face as they juggle the demands of jobs and careers with having a family. Using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79), the researchers examine the gender and race inequalities facing people in the United States and show that, in … Read more