Pauline Jansen

Aggressive behavior, emotional, and attention problems across childhood and academic attainment at the end of primary school

This research assesses whether aggressive behavior and emotional problems from early childhood onwards are related to academic attainment at the end of primary education, and whether these links are independent of attention problems. The researchers make use of data on 2546 children participating in a longitudinal birth cohort in Rotterdam to look at aggressive behavior, … Read more

Association of Slight to Mild Hearing Loss With Behavioral Problems and School Performance in Children

Importance  Children with severe hearing loss are known to have more behavioral problems and may perform worse at school than children without. Few large-scale studies of slight to mild hearing loss are available. Objective  To examine the relevance of slight to mild hearing loss by studying its association with behavioral problems and school performance. Design, … Read more

Bidirectional associations of childhood stuttering with behavior and temperament

Purpose: Behavior and temperament (e.g., emotional reactivity, self-regulation) have been considered relevant to stuttering and its developmental course, but the direction of this relation is still unknown. Knowledge of behavior difficulties and temperament in childhood stuttering can improve screening and intervention. The current study examined both directions of the relationship between stuttering and behavior difficulties … Read more

Parenting Behaviours and Early Child Development in Europe

Social inequality related to children’s development starts early in life. Parenting behaviour as an explanatory factor has important effects on very young children’s verbal and behavior social skills, and on later school achievements.

The association of maternal education on children’s language skills and its link to social inequality, descriptive analysis from three European cohort studies

Social inequality is a persistent global issue which many countries, governments, and policymakers aim to address. The development of language and communication skills during the early years of a child’s life are vital for school readiness, educational success, and later life outcomes. As part of a collaborative research project we sought to bring together data … Read more