PII Publications

Faith No More? The divergence of political trust between urban and rural Europe

Authors: Frieder Mitsch, Liz Morrow, Neil Lee,
Issue: 2021

This paper looks the divergence in political trust levels between rural and urban areas since 2008. It concludes that this increasing rural-urban divide has important implications for European democracies. The research uses data gathered between 2008 and 2018 bythe European Social Survey, accounting for a total population of 433 million and allowing a final sample of just over 125,000 people aged over 16 years … Read more

Hur viktig är familjebakgrunden för ekonomiska utfall? En jämförelse av fyra ansatser

Authors: Anders Björklund, Markus Jäntti,
Issue: 2020

Artikeln granskar fyra ansatser att studera familjebakgrundens betydelse för de ekonomiska utfallen inkomst och utbildningsår. Föräldrars och barns inkomster och utbildning samvarierar positivt, men sambanden förklarar bara en liten del av variationen i ekonomiska utfall och är i liten utsträckning kausala. Den starka kopplingen mellan syskons utfall ger däremot skäl att tro att familjebakgrunden, i … Read more

Trends in Absolute Income Mobility in North America and Europe

This paper looks at trends in social mobility in eight wealthy countries and finds significant differences between them. It compares the real incomes of parents and children born between 1960 and 1987, linking the two generations where possible. Where this is not possible, absolute movements between generations are inferred by combining information on moves up … Read more

Economic Distress and Support for Radical Right Parties – Evidence from Sweden

Authors: Sirus H. Dehdari,
Issue: 2020
Themes: ,

This is an updated version of the working paper (updated 18th June 2021)   This paper investigates whether there are any links between being made unemployed and increasing support for radical right-wing political parties. The research uses Swedish election data to show that for every layoff notice among low-skilled native-born workers, support for the country’s … Read more

Intergenerational mobility, intergenerational effects, sibling correlations, and equality of opportunity: A comparison of four approaches

Authors: Anders Björklund, Markus Jäntti,
Issue: 2020

This paper compares four different ways of researching how family background affects our educational attainment and earnings: looking at intergenerational mobility; looking at how interventions with parents can affect offspring – the ‘intergenerational effects’ approach – looking at what share of inequality is shared by siblings – ‘sibling correlations’ – and looking for factors which … Read more

Can We Really Rely on Income Distribution Statistics? Some Issues in the Swedish Data

Authors: Anders Björklund,
Series: Issue: 7 2020

The Swedish Income Distribution Statistics have shown rising gaps in disposable income since the early 1980s. Several reports have shown that capital income is an important driver behind this development. I identify several weaknesses in the measurement of capital income in these statistics. One weakness is that realised capital gains, which generally are included in … Read more

Workplace Contact and Support for Anti-Immigration Parties

This is an updated version of the working paper (updated 14th June 2021) This paper asks whether support for anti-immigration political parties increases or decreases when native-born voters work alongside migrants. It finds that working together significantly reduces opposition to immigration and this leads to lower support for those parties. The researchers used detailed data … Read more

Understanding the education gap in immigration preferences across countries over time: A decomposition approach

A large body of research shows that those with higher levels of education have more liberal preferences on immigration, but has that changed in recent years? This study finds little evidence of long-term change in preference on immigration across Europe, despite the rise of populism.

Rent Sharing and Inclusive Growth

This paper looks at the extent to which wages are affected by profits in major British firms – a process known as ‘rent-sharing.’ It finds this happens on a much smaller scale today than it did in the 1980s and 1990s. The researchers used data from a panel of the top 300 publicly-quoted British companies … Read more

Between Communism and Capitalism: Long-term Inequality in Poland, 1892-2015

Authors: Pawel Bukowski, Filip Novokmet,
Series: Issue: 2 2020

This paper looks at the evolution of inequality in Poland from the late 19th Century to the early 21st Century, by constructing the long-term distribution of income in Poland from combining tax, household survey and national accounts data. It documents a U-shaped evolution of inequalities from the end of the 19th century until today: (i) … Read more