Gender and sexuality

From villain to hero: trans men and non-binary persons as care providers in Southern Europe

This article looks at experiences of caring among trans and non-binary adults in Southern Europe, viewing this as a positive story which can redress what the author sees as skewed representations of this community, focusing traditionally on victimisation, violence and health problems. The study came out of the INTIMATE project, which took place between 2014 … Read more

CILIA-LGBTQI+ Scotland Policy Brief Winter/Spring 2021

The EU DIAL funded ‘Comparing Intersectional Lifecourse Inequalities among LGBTQI+ Citizens in Four European Countries’ (CILIA-LGBTQI+) project examines intersectional inequalities and their impacts upon lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex (LGBTQI+) citizens in four European countries (England, Germany, Portugal, Scotland). We are concerned with inequalities at key points of life transition, including school to … Read more

Job Satisfaction and Sexual Orientation in Britain

This research looks at how satisfied lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals are at work compared with their heterosexual peers. Using British data, the researchers find lower satisfaction levels for bisexual men only and also that policies designed to promote equality for LGB(T) workers have no direct impact on how satisfied workers are. Results showed that … Read more

Gender roles and selection mechanisms across contexts: A comparative analysis of the relationship between unemployment, self-perceived health, and gender

This paper looks at gender differences in the way unemployment impacts on health. It finds on average women suffer less from unemployment than men, and this effect is more pronounced in countries with traditional gender roles than in more egalitarian societies. The researchers wanted to know if the negative effect of unemployment is stronger among … Read more

The heterocisnormative glass ceiling: a literature and survey review of LGBTQI+ discrimination in the workplace in Portugal

Drawing on work done within the CILIA LGBTQI+ study in Portugal, this paper analyses existing literature on the tangible and symbolic effects of workplace practices. The paper uses qualitative surveys by Portuguese NGOs along with a review of scholarly work to identify patterns of inequality which affect the professional lives of people with non-normative sexual … Read more

DIAL Policy Brief No. 1 ‘Towards a gender-equal Europe: What policymakers can learn from the Dynamics of Inequality Across the Life-course (DIAL) research project’

There are a number of key European policy agendas related to gender equality on which the DIAL research can shed light. This policy brief gives an overview of findings from DIAL projects in this area. Key Findings: • There is some evidence of gender pay gaps narrowing, but they are still substantial in some countries … Read more

UK Legislative Lives: Illustrating Intersectional LGBTQI+ Lifecourse (In)equalities

Authors: Yvette Taylor,
Issue: 2020

In attempting to convey some of the LGBTQI+ lives made possible and rendered impossible over time it is easy to fall into a simple narration of progress; that things are ‘getting better’, that younger generations are less homophobic and transphobic, and that queer lives have come out from underground, uplifted by legislation. Samia Singh designed … Read more

Parenthood Wage Gaps across the Life-Course: An Intersectional Comparison by Gender and Race

Read a longer summary from Zachary Van Winkle’s website. This paper aims to assess how parenthood wage gaps vary across individual lives for different gender and race groups in the United States. The research uses data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79 and NLSY97) covering the years 1979–2003 to map parenthood wage gaps … Read more

1st LGBTQI+ Lives Scotland Advisory Group Meeting: Process and practice of ‘doing’ intersectionality

Authors: Yvette Taylor, Matson Lawrence,
Issue: 2020

The LGBTQI+ Lives Scotland Research Advisory Group held their first meeting in January 2019. You can now read all about the meeting in the CILIA-LGBTQI+ blog post written by Yvette Taylor and Matson Lawrence.